Top 10 Most Expensive Flowers in the World. Flowers are one of the most natural beauties of the world. They are also one of the most preferred gifts for loved ones. For women, Flowers are all time favorite. That is why men gift flowers to their partners. To win the heart of your girl, it may not cost you much but if you are planning to gift her below mentioned flowers, then you must think twice before making a plan!
10. Lisianthus – Most Expensive Flowers
9. LILY of the Valley
8. Hydrangea
7. Gloriosa Lily
6. 17th century Tulip Bulb
5. Saffron Crocus
4. Gold of Kinabalu Orchid
3. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid
2. Juliet Rose – Most Expensive Flowers
1. Kadupul flower – priceless flowers